International Christian Youthworks Africa is a network of organisations, groups, individuals who are committed to raising a generation of transformative young leaders of integrity who will go on to transform their communities. We believe that a country can be changed if it has responsible and honest leaders. This is our vision, transformed young leaders who will go on to transform their communities and nations.
ICY has been operating in Africa since 2004 and we are currently running a Leadership and Development Academy focussed on the United Nations Sustainable Goals alongside a Diploma in Christian Leadership, in thirty countries in East,West and Southern States of Africa.

Since 2009 ICY has worked in partnership collaboratively with various high schools, colleges, universities, groups, Churches, organisations, local & national governments to complement their own training and mentoring programs. Participants who complete the programme, graduate with a Diploma in Missional Leadership. The course is contextualised for African culture and society to develop leaders who can effectively influence African society for good.
The training has enabled some individuals to go onto higher education and some to find work, e.g. with N.G.O.s, Many of the ICY graduates go on to be trainers themselves. We partner with Springdale Foundation in the UK which validates the Diploma; graduates gain a certificate that equates to an access course for the first year study of a Bachelor’s program. As a charity we seek to raise funding so as to give scholarships as Education in Africa is a luxury that many of the young people cannot afford.
We are seeing continued growth with the number of students graduating:

Each participant takes part in service, experience based and contextualised learning: developing their own projects to impact positively their local communities. Graduates are encouraged to continue with us to be trained to train others.
Entrepreneurship and community engagement projects have been a natural development following on from the course, and we are increasingly working in partnership with others to see these develop.
ICY Africa is active in meeting 12 of the United Nations sustainable development goals.
Can you be part of our campaign?
Give Five Find Five
In other words, could you partner with us, supporting us with five pounds a month and find five others, family and friends, to also give five pounds a month?
We’ve worked out we need 2,000 people to commit in this way to sustain the growth we are seeing! (These costs are for the support for the Kenyan team, office and admin, plus costs for training in other African countries,travel, projects and conferences etc. )
2,000 seems a lot but we just need 333 people to be advocates for us, to find 5 others , to have 1,998 supporters.